inspiration: split tousers

inspiration: split tousers

inspiration: split tousers

Hoy os traigo una tendencia para esta primavera verano algo arriesgada,los ‘split trousers’ o ‘split pants’ se trata de esos pantalones que recuerdan peligrosamente a aquellos polĂ©micos de los 90s con corchetes a los lados. Me parecen estilosos y permiten la posibilidad de llevarlos a lo grande con amplias aberturas a lo acampanado…

Today I wanted to talk to you about a big trend coming up for this spring / summer, ‘split trousers’ or ‘split pants’, these trousers which scarily can remind of those 90s ones worn by sporty Spice. somehow I find them really chic and I like the possibility of wearing them with big openings forming a wide leg cut…

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